The optimist in me said it wouldn't rain. Rain it did.
Good for the flowers. (Harumpf) May.
Leah and Jess still had a beautiful wedding inside the tent.
Outside the tent...again, good for the flowers.
Leah made all of the cranes, pom poms and knew what she wanted for her color scheme: red, yellow and orange with touches of pink and turquoise. The infusion of color was a welcome sight on this gray day.
I used locally sourced apple branches from a friend's orchard near Chaska and dahlias in the bride's bouquet are from plants in my own garden. (Purchased from Farm and Garden around Mother's Day)
I cannot wait to go back to Minnetonka Orchards, it is a beautiful venue!
Thanks again, Leah and Jess and Hailley from L'event for a wonderful day.