Please call me for tickets to this amazing and informative fair on February 5th, 11am-2pm at the U of M Campus Club!
If you call me now, I have a limited number of free tickets available and if you mention this blog post "I want to go to the Something New Wedding Fair." I will give you two FREE tickets!
Ashley's phone #952-393-4080
If I run out of free tickets they are normally buy one for $10.00 get the second one free! Still a great deal!
Here are some reasons to come to this wedding fair rather than other fairs:
No gimics, no advertising, no swag bags or stuff you don't need. We will give you a cocktail and hores de vours and invite you to sit down and chat with one or many of the talented vendors and hear about the great topics we have chosen to help you plan your wedding. Yes, your specific wedding, not general ideas. There will be time to ask the experts your specific questions.
Hope to see you there!
Please call me directly if you have any questions or would like me to send you some tickets!