One of my philosophies as a floral designer is to put flowers in places where people are going to appreciate them, whether it is in the home or at a large event. Quality over quantity, especially if your budget is small. If a bride has a small budget for flowers I say "Use most of your budget on your bouquet and go light on the rest. Everyone will be looking at you [the bride] anyway." One or two of these displays at a wedding is all you need to showcase your favorite flowers, on a budget.
You can do this display yourself, if you feel comfortable. Go to Good Will, garage sales, thrift stores and collect containers in a similar style or material. In this case I chose clear glass. Each vase has its own type of flower. In this photo you can see white cushion mums, green cushion mums, tall green penny crest and oh so pretty white button mums. They look great all together and this would be a perfect display for a place card table, dessert table, etc. Make sure to put this display where your you and your guests can "ohhh" at it all night. Order the flowers in bulk from Costco, a favorite floral shop, or me :)
The great thing about mums...they last a very long time. These arrangements have been sitting in my studio for at least 4 or 5 days. You may ask "What should I put on the guest tables if I don't have flowers?" My answer to you is "Candles. As many as you can afford." They are cheaper than flowers and they give a romantic mood, more so than any flowers could. Trust me. I think I need to blog about candles next...