On Sunday night I had a dream. The dream went like this: I went into the chicken coop and looked into the nest boxes. I found a small tower of neatly stacked up, cracked and empty egg shells. Apparently, my chickens had been laying eggs for some time, cracking them open, eating the inside and stacking the empty shells in the back corner of the box. Since I was not eating the eggs, the chickens thought they should not be going to waste.
I do not dream of chickens laying eggs on a regular basis.
I woke up the next morning (on my birthday) and thought for a moment about the dream and then let it go. I went out into the coop that morning and thought for kicks I would check the nest boxes. Low and behold, there were 2 eggs waiting for me in the boxes. Am I psychic or just REALLY in tune with my chickens? Either way, it was really shocking to me. The young chickens were scheduled to start laying in November, when they reached a mature age of 5 months old.
FYI: The eggs were delicious. Bright, deep, golden yellow yolks tasted great scrambled with bacon and cheese with a side of toast. A nice birthday breakfast. If you live in an area zoned for chickens I highly recommend having them as pets.